The meaning of STRENGTH is the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance. How to use strength in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Strength.
on the strength of On the basis of:She was hired on the strength of her computer skills. [Middle English, from Old Englishstrengthu.] Synonyms:strength, power, might1, energy, force These nouns denote the capacity to act or work effectively.Strengthrefers especially to physical, mental, or...
strength [ strengkth, strength, strenth ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power. mental power, force, or vigor. moral power, firmness, or courage. power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc. number, as of personnel...
that are dirty rather than the desires. Freud also noted that people who rely on isolation and displacement are otherwise characterized by nonpathological personality qualities such as perfectionism, indecisiveness, and formality in interpersonal contacts. To Freud the fantasies were the mental ...
His tremendous virility and mental strength wall him apart. View in context Their usefulness did not depend on making the patient swallow substances for the most part harmful (the harm was scarcely perceptible, as they were given in small doses), but they were useful, necessary, and indispensab...
The meaning of FORCE is strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power. How to use force in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Force.
Strength is the property of being physically strong (you can do, say, 100 push-ups) or mentally strong (you can calculate percentages in your head while people are shouting at you).
and social maturity or normality; the absence of a mental or behavioral disorder; a state of psychological well-being in which one has achieved a satisfactory integration of one's instinctual drives acceptable to both oneself and one's social milieu; an appropriate balance of love, work, and ...
to evaluate the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral traits that comprise personality. The results of the test reflect an individual's personality strengths and weaknesses, and may identify certain disturbances of personality (psychopathologies) or mental deficits caused by neurological problems....
The meaning of POWER is ability to act or produce an effect. How to use power in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Power.