malicious communications letters or e-mails sent with intent to cause distress or anxiety. Such are criminalized by the Malicious Communications Act 1988 as amended by the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 which latter legislation made it clear that communications sent by electronic means are inclu...
Define malicious. malicious synonyms, malicious pronunciation, malicious translation, English dictionary definition of malicious. adj. 1. Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful: malicious gossip. 2. Law Done with ma
DESERTION, MALICIOUS. The act of a husband or wife, in leaving a consort, without just cause, for the purpose of causing a perpetual separation. Vide Abandonment, malicious. MALICIOUS. With bad, and unlawful motives; wicked. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the Unite...
Malicious Call Trace Malicious code Malicious code Malicious Code Research Center Malicious code malicious communications Malicious Counter Terrorist Team Malicious Destruction Of Property Malicious falsehood Malicious falsehood malicious gossip malicious hardware malicious hardware malicious hardware malicious hardware...
COMINT might refer to both wired and wireless communications intelligence. It is often collected covertly, meaning without the knowledge of the parties involved in the interaction. Here, intelligence refers toinformationthat enables an organization, government, or individual to make decisions that provide...
Communications Validation In addition to filtering traffic based on a set of rules or some other predefined criteria, the protocols themselves need to be validated to ensure they meet standard specifications. Weaknesses or vague protocol definitions are often abused for malicious purposes. Any communica...
Communications, 2000. ICC 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference onS. Chan and M. Zukerman, "A new max-min fairness definition to neutralize malicious users," in Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 18-22 2000, vol. 3....
A malware attack is a common cyberattack where malware (normally malicious software) executes unauthorized actions on the victim’s system. The malicious software (a.k.a. virus) encompasses many specific types of attacks such asransomware, spyware, command and control, and more. ...
Such weapons include malware, malicious software such as viruses, trojans, spyware, and worms that can introduce corrupted code into existing software, causing a computer to perform actions or processes unintended by its operator. Other cyberweapons include distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, ...
Hackers and cyber criminals can try to access NFC-enabled devices. They may develop malicious software that can steal confidential information from these devices. Furthermore, hackers can create tokens that mimic an NFC-enabled device and gain access to this sensitive information. ...