The meaning of GORE is a small usually triangular piece of land. How to use gore in a sentence.
:a woman skilled in caring for or managing horses 3 :a woman who breeds or raises horses More from Merriam-Webster onhorsewoman Thesaurus:All synonyms and antonyms forhorsewoman Nglish:Translation ofhorsewomanfor Spanish Speakers Love words? Need even more definitions?
love(redirected from for love)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia. Related to for love: making lovelove (lŭv) n. 1. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship. 2. A strong feeling of affection and...
intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. A strong enthusiasm: a love of language. Eros or Cupid, the god of love in classical mythology. The feeling of benevolence, kindness, or brotherhood towards others." As you can see there is not just one definition, there are...
I felt like a new man/woman→ me sentí como un hombre nuevo/una mujer nueva 3.3. (= want) I feel like an apple→ me apetece una manzanado you feel like a walk?→ ¿quieres dar un paseo?, ¿te apetece dar un paseo?I go out whenever I feel like it→ salgo cuando me ...
with the object of avoiding gender discrimination in language. Earlier practice was to use-manas the final element in such compounds regardless of the gender of the person referred to (anchorman; businessman) or to use-womanwhen referring to a woman (anchorwoman; businesswoman). Some object to...
Related to Love:making love Drug slang A regionally popular street term for crack cocaine Psychology The personal experience and manifest expression of emotional attachment or bonding to another person Types Sacred and profane love, and affectional and erotic love. The word is also used in the vern...
“Especially a woman who has been so open about being in recovery from an eating disorder. I’m not upset for myself but for anyone easily influenced by the diet culture.” FromSalon Bennett previously worked at the EPA as wetlands enforcement coordinator in New England and says she is tune...
The meaning of GIRL is a female child from birth to adulthood. How to use girl in a sentence.
The meaning of HORSEWOMAN is a woman who is a rider or a driver of horses; especially : one whose skill is exceptional.