Condition of decreased alkalinity of the blood and tissues marked by sickly sweet breath, headache, nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances; usually the result of excessive acid production. ACRID: Irritating and bitter. ACTION LEVEL: Exposure level at which OSHA regulations to protect employees ...
Workers' compensation - a system of insurance that provides employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses with benefits intended to cover medical care, lost wages and rehabilitation. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - a federal agency that is responsible for setting and e...
Post-Accident Testing: All employees directly involved in an on-the-job accident that results in property damage, lost time or bodily injury will be required to be drug and alcohol tested within 3 hours of the accident. These include: • East Riding of Yorkshire Council• East Riding of ...
(i) the costs of assessing such injury, destruction, or loss or impairment arising from or relating to such a release; (ii) the costs of restoration, rehabilitation, or replacement of injured or lost natural resources or of acquisition of equivalent resources; (iii) the costs of planning ...
Financial Related to Lagging indicators:Leading Indicators,Coincident indicators economic indicator n (Economics) a statistical measure representing an economic variable:the retail price index is an economic indicator of the actual level of prices. ...
1.Capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure:a malleable metal. 2.Easily controlled or influenced:"The British[rulers]... had favoured the brother who struck them as altogether more amiable, a more malleable, more temperate man"(Paul Scott). ...
of Article I to the Constitution.At the time the states adopted the Tenth Amendment, two primary conceptions of government were under consideration. Many federalists supported a centralized national authority, with power concentrated in a single entity. This type of government was exemplified by the...
noun The constellation of future activities—e.g., return visits, imaging modalities etc.—by a patient after hospitalisation or therapy. verb Follow up: to ensure that a follow-up has occurred, often expressed “to follow patient Smith up”. ...
A term referring to the body of law governing the liability of taverns, liquor stores and other commercial establishments that serve alcoholic beverages, in particular the liability arising from the sale of alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons or minors who subsequently cause death or injury to thi...