When a person takes responsibility for what happens to them, this is known as having a locus of control. Understand what it means to be under...
Internal vs. External Locus of Control There are two types of locus of control, internal and external. Theinternal locus of controlpsychology definition is someone bases their success on their work and ability to control outcomes. Theexternal locus of controlpsychology definition is someone attrib...
Related to locus of control:Internal locus of control,External locus of control lo·cus (lō′kəs) n.pl.lo·ci(-sī′, -kē, -kī′) 1.A locality; a place. 2.A center or focus of great activity or intense concentration:"the cunning exploitation of loci of power; the insulation ...
After succeeding at a task, an individual with an internal locus of control will experience a greater increase in self-efficacy than an individual with an external locus of control. In other words, giving yourself credit for successes (as opposed to claiming that they happened because of factors...
Persona, in psychology, the personality that an individual projects to others, as differentiated from the authentic self. The term, coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, is derived from the Latin persona, referring to the masks worn by Etruscan mimes.
in·ter·sec·tion (ĭn′tər-sĕk′shən, ĭn′tər-sĕk′-) n. 1.The act, process, or result of intersecting. 2.A place where things intersect, especially a place where two or more roads cross. 3.Mathematics a.The point or locus of points where one line, surface, ...
External attribution is an individual's belief that factors in their life for good or bad are controlled by forces and circumstances outside of themselves. This is also called external locus of control. This point of view keeps the individual from taking the credit or blame for their actions ...
Kroeber and Kluckhohn were led to theirconclusionthat culture is an abstraction by reasoning that if culture is behaviour it, ipso facto, becomes the subject matter of psychology; therefore, they concluded that culture “is an abstraction from concrete behavior but is not itself behavior.” But wh...
The locus coeruleus has many connections to other parts of the brain, particularly areas that bring in and process sensory information (information from sight,hearing (respiration How do the connections in the brain work in stress? The HPA axis and the locus coeruleus systems are linked through ...
For example, in studies in exercise and sports psychology, participants were given a muscular leg-endurance task. Participants with high self-efficacy consistently extended their legs significantly longer than those with low self-efficacy.Benefits of Locus of Control and Self-Efficacy Lesson Summary ...