The meaning of POWER is ability to act or produce an effect. How to use power in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Power.
Synonyms of legislative 1 a : having the power or performing the function of legislating b : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as making laws, levying and collecting taxes, and making financial appropriations compare executive, judicial 2 a : of or ...
Related to Legislatures:Legislative bodies a group invested with the power to make, alter, and repeal laws:The legislature will convene again in January. Not to be confused with: legislator– one who makes laws:This is his first term of office as a legislator. ...
political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc.: They attained power by overthrowing the legal government. Synonyms:sovereignty,rule,sway,ascendancy legal ability, capacity, or authority: the legislative powers vested in Congress. ...
The powers of government are legislative, executive, judicial, and ministerial. Power is no blessing in itself, but when it is employed to protect the innocent. Under this sense may be comprehended civil, political, ecclesiastical, and military power. 12. A sovereign, whether emperor, king or ...
Powersmeans all of the general and specific powers of the authority as provided in this chapter which shall be broadly and liberally interpreted to authorize the authority to act in accordance with the goals of the authority and in a manner consistent with the legislative findings and guiding prin...
Legislative Bills Legislation begins with the submission of a bill to the legislature for consideration. A bill is a draft, or tentative version, of what might become part of the written law. A bill that is enacted is called an act or statute. The selection of appropriate and clear language...
Legislative Efforts Starting in the early 1990s, a new wave of grass-roots promoters again brought the issue to the forefront, attempting this time to focus on legislation rather than on case law. Several states—including Arizona, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Washington—were unsuccessful...
a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government:The maximum allowable speed was established by statute. Not to be confused with: statue– image of human or animal carved in marble or bronze:There is a statue of the local hero in the center of town. ...
For example, the political power of the government in the United States is divided into three branches: the Executive Branch (presidency), the Legislative Branch (Congress), and the Judiciary Branch (Supreme Court). Some countries in history have had a more centralized form of political power....