What is Productivity? With this blog, boost your productivity by learning productivity meaning, how to measure it, tips to increase productivity, etc.
Monopsony垄断:is a single buyer(of labour). Bilateral monopoly双边垄断:is where a monopsony faces a monopoly. Collective bargaining集体协商:is when the representatives of a group of workers negotiate with employers for higher wages or wor...
productivity (ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪtɪ) n 1. (Commerce) the output of an industrial concern in relation to the materials, labour, etc, it employs 2. the state of being productive Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
Productivity has traditionally been measured in relation to a single input factor at a time, often with consequences to other factors. For example, attempts to increase the productivity of labour may eventually lead to over-investment in capital inputs and hence to high capital costs. Alternatively...
Define activity. activity synonyms, activity pronunciation, activity translation, English dictionary definition of activity. n. pl. ac·tiv·i·ties 1. The state of being active. 2. Energetic action or movement; liveliness. 3. a. A specified pursuit in w
The discussion of productivity is usually dominated by considerations of the productivity of labour, but in general terms a productivity ratio may be defined as the number of physical units of output per unit of resource input. This gives rise to many productivity ratios and it can be shown ...
Division of labour:the process whereby work is split into individual tasks to allow workers to specialize. Productivity:output per workers per time period. Resource allocation in different economic systems and issues of transition Free market eco...
The nature and conduct of a person is an important factor that affects productivity. It may be divided into two categories: Ability to work: Productivity rests on the potential or calibre of an individual to work, be it labour or a manager. It is often regulated by the education, training...
“How much is produced per unit of input. There are various kinds of productivity depending on the input, and various ways to calculate it. Labour productivity, for instance, can be calculated per worker, per hour worked, etc. Capital productivity is similar to calculating a return from an ...
would still have been insufficient to give the entirepopulationa comfortable standard of living by prevailing standards. With the economic productivity that resulted fromindustrialization, however, this ceased to be the case—especially in the world’s mostindustrialized countries, where national outputs ...