labor force- the source of trained people from which workers can be hired labor pool labor,labour,proletariat,working class- a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field" ...
Define labour forces. labour forces synonyms, labour forces pronunciation, labour forces translation, English dictionary definition of labour forces. labour force. Translations. English: labour force, labor force n Arbeiterschaft f; Belegschaft f. German
The meaning of LABOR is expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory. How to use labor in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Labor.
Laboralso describes the collection of people doing the work. Thelaborforce is a specific set of employees for an organization or the entire class of people who do physical, or manual,labor. Laborcan be used to mean to perform productive work. Whilelaboringis normally for profit or payment, ...
Forced labour, labour performed involuntarily and under duress, usually by relatively large groups of people. Forced labour differs from slavery in that it involves not the ownership of one person by another but rather merely the forced exploitation of t
Child labour is far more prevalent indeveloping countries, where millions of children—some as young as seven—stilltoilin quarries, mines, factories, fields, and service enterprises. They make up more than 10 percent of thelabour forcein some countries in theMiddle Eastand from 2 to 10 percen...
Synonym(s): labour. [L. toil, suffering] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Labor The process during which the uterus contracts, and the cervix opens to allow the passage of a baby into the vagina. Mentioned in: Placenta Previa, Placental Abruption Gal...
Trade union工会:is an organization that promote and protect the interests of their members to improve their wages and working conditions. Monopsony垄断:is a single buyer(of labour). Bilateral monopoly双边垄断:is where a monopsony faces a...
noununcountableA political party or force aiming or claiming to represent the interests of labour. nounThe act of a mother givingbirth. nounThe time period during which a mother gives birth. verbintransitiveTotoil, towork. verbtransitiveTobelabour, to emphasise or expand upon (a point in a de...
An- thony Rittwager,have been named the 22nd AirForce Out- standing Airman and Senior Noncommis- sioned Officer of the Year, respectively. It may be a double, triple or home run.j. Fielder’s Choice: A fielder’s attempt to put out a base runner rather than the batter when a throw ...