Kinematics is one of the subdivisions of classical mechanics in physics. Specifically, it is the study of motion without considering its causes, and can also be described as the "geometry of motion." Based on kinematics definition, it solely aims to describe an object's motion such as its ...
:a branch of physics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force 2 :the properties and phenomena of an object or system in motion of interest to kinematics thekinematicsof the human ankle joint kinematic ...
The meaning of KINEMATICS is a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force. How to use kinematics in a sentence.
Rotational Kinematics | Definition, Equations & Examples 5:03 Torque & Angular Momentum | Definition, Equation & Relationship 6:08 Principle of Moments in Physics | Definition, Formula & Examples 5:47 5:30 Next Lesson Parallel-Axis Theorem | Overview, Formula & Examples Torque: Concept,...
kinematics the branch of mechanics that deals with motion without reference to force or mass. —kinematic, kinematical,adj. See also:Physics the study of the motion of bodies considered independently of external forces. Also calledphoronomy.— kinematic,adj. ...
Tags Kinematics Rotation Velocity Replies: 33 Forum: Classical Physics B Move in Space without mass exchange I did a thought experiment and I can't figure out what the mistake is. There is a system of 2 electric motors weighing 1 kg each with batteries in the Earth's orbit. The motors...
KinematicKinematic equationsKinematicsKinematics of particlesProjecileProjectiles Replies: 1 Forum:Introductory Physics Homework Help H How far a a fastball travels (projectile question) Homework Statement How far does a fastball released from the pitcher's hand at a speed of 49 m/s fall as it trave...
Classical mechanics is sometimes considered a branch of applied mathematics. It consists of kinematics, the description of motion, and dynamics, the study of the action of forces in producing either motion or static equilibrium (the latter constituting the science of statics). The 20th-century ...
kinematics (ˌkɪnɪˈmætɪks; ˌkaɪ-) n (General Physics) (functioning as singular) the study of the motion of bodies without reference to mass or force. Comparedynamics1 [C19: from Greekkinēmamovement; see cinema, -ics] ...
: a branch of physics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force 2 : the properties and phenomena of an object or system in motion of interest to kinematics the kinematics of the human ankle joint kinematic -ik adjective or kinematical -i-kəl ...