(Law)lawthe body of Roman or civil law consolidated by Justinian in the 6th century ad. It consists of four parts, the Institutes, Digest, Code, and Novels [New Latin, literally: body of civil law] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
(Law) law the body of Roman or civil law consolidated by Justinian in the 6th century ad. It consists of four parts, the Institutes, Digest, Code, and Novels [New Latin, literally: body of civil law] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollin...
Justinian Code noun the body of Roman law that was codified and promulgated under Justinian I. Discover More Example Sentences Constantine restricted it to three cases of crime on the part of the husband, and three on the part of the wife; but the habits of the people were too strong for...
The meaning of JUSTINIANIAN is of or relating to the Byzantine emperor Justinian under whom much of the Western Empire was reconquered and the laws codified in the Justinian Code. How to use Justinianian in a sentence.
justice of the peace Justices justices in eyre Justices of the peace Justicia est virtus excellens et altissimo complacens justiciable Justiciar Justiciarii itinerantes Justiciarii residentes justiciary Justicies Justifiable homicide justification Justificators Justifying bail Justinian Justinian I Justitia ne...
Justinianian orJus·tin·i·a·ne·an [ juh-stin-ee-ey-nee-uhn ] adjective of or relating toJustinian Ior the Byzantine dynasty (a.d. 518–610) named after him. Origin of Justinianian 1 First recorded in 1820–30;Justinian+-ian
The Code of Justinian, known as the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Laws), became the legal authority of Rome in 533–34 a.d. Justinian's code completely revised imperial laws; omitted obsolete, contradictory, and repetitive laws; and contained a digest of legal essays for guidance. ...
noun In Roman law, one of several systematic or classified collections of the statutory part of that law, made by various later emperors, as the Codex Hermogenianus, Codex Theodosianus, etc.; especially, a classified collection made by Justinian (see below). noun In modern jurisprudence: A ...
The meaning of CIVIL LAW is Roman law especially as set forth in the Justinian code.
Define Justinianist. Justinianist synonyms, Justinianist pronunciation, Justinianist translation, English dictionary definition of Justinianist. an expert on the codification and revision of Roman laws ordered by the 6th-century Byzantine emperor Justini