This is different from jus sanguinis citizenship, under which only people whose parents are nationals of a certain country are granted citizenship. Gaby Del Valle, The Verge, 21 Jan. 2025 In the Americas, only Chile and Colombia do not grant birthright citizenship, relying instead on jus sanguin...
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Noun1.jus sanguinis- the principle that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents judicial doctrine,judicial principle,legal principle- (law) a principle underlying the formulation of jurisprudence law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "ci...
jus sanguinis- the principle that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents jus soli- the principle that a person's nationality at birth is determined by the place of birth preemption,pre-emption- the judicial principle asserting the supremacy of federal over...
Dan, Shao. ―Chinese by Definition: Nationality Law, Jus Sanguinis, and State Succession, 1909- 1980.‖ Twentieth-Century China 35, no.1 (November 2009): 4-28.Dan, S. (2009). Chinese by Definition: Nationality Law, Jus Sanguinis, and State Succession, 1909 - 1980. Twentieth-Century ...
ofjus sanguinis(“right of blood”), whichallocatescitizenship based on the individual’s organic ties (through family decent) to the national community and the homeland. In contrast, citizenship allocation based on a principle ofjus soli(“right of the soil”) presupposes acivic-republican...
First recorded in1900–05;fromLatin:“right of soil (land)” Discover More Example Sentences (b) Certain states follow the rule of jus soli, maintaining that the place of birth determines the nationality. FromProject Gutenberg (c) Other states follow sometimes the jus sanguinis, sometimes jus ...
Jusserand definition: French diplomat, historian, and essayist.. See examples of JUSSERAND used in a sentence.
JURISCONSULT. One well versed in jurisprudence; a jurist: one whose profession it is to give counsel on questions of law. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
Define just so. just so synonyms, just so pronunciation, just so translation, English dictionary definition of just so. Adv. 1. just so - in a careful manner; "you must treat this plant just so" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-