Applicable Laws/ Rulesmeans the laws/ Rules of Islamic Republic of Pakistan/Punjab, as they may be issued and enforced from time to time. AIM Rulesmeans the rules published by the London Stock Exchange governing admission to AIM and the regulation of AIM companies as amended or re-issued from...
1976; Einarsen et al.,2020b). However, increasing consciousness exists of the need to prevent bullying at different institutional levels, with more attempts to reconsider the tenets of bullying, particularly in higher education, which was not ...
This chapter introduces the concept of “investor” and sets out an overview of basic “investor” requirements in investment treaty arbitration in the context of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals...
Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water. Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond that is backed by assets of the issuer that earn profit or rent. NBOME means the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, an organization that prepares and administer...
perjury, in law, the giving of false testimony underoathon an issue or point of inquiry regarded as material. Both traditional and modern legal systems have provisions for taking testimony under oath andmandatepenalties for giving false testimony.Islamic law, for example, relies heavily on testimony...
427) argues that Chavez’ “(re-)articulation” of Latin American ‘Nuestramérica’ based transnational identity is analogous to “Orbán’s promotion of ‘Central Europeanness’, Erdoğan’s weaponisation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and Duterte’s identity-building in the ‘...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Wikipedia Halaka, Halakah, Halachah the entire body of Jewish law, comprising Biblical laws, oral laws transcribed in the Talmud, and subsequent codes altering traditional teachings.— Halakist, Halachist,n.— Halakic,adj. ...
Slavery is the condition in which one human being is owned by another. Under slavery, an enslaved person is considered by law as property, or chattel, and is deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons. Learn more about the history, le
the central islamic lands and nomadic empires the three orders (clergy, nobility, peasants), changing cultural traditions and confrontation of cultures industrial revolution european imperialism paths to modernisation geography the term “geography” is derived from two greek words: “geo”, which means...
Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros federal job safety law Federal Judiciary Federal Law Enforcement Training Center federal modal agencies Federal National Mortgage Association federal office federal official Federal Party Federal Protective Service Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Nigeria Fe...