How to Pronounce Dramatic Irony Here's how to pronounce dramatic irony: druh-mat-ickeye-run-ee Dramatic Irony in Depth Dramatic irony is used to create several layers of perspective on a single set of events: some characters know very little, some know quite a lot, and the audience in mo...
Define dramatic irony. dramatic irony synonyms, dramatic irony pronunciation, dramatic irony translation, English dictionary definition of dramatic irony. n. A contrast in storytelling, as in a play or novel, between what a character believes is true, as
The meaning of DRAMATIC IRONY is incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play : irony. How to use dramatic irony in a sentence.
IRONY, rhetoric. A term derived from the Greek, which signifies dissimulation. It is a refined species of ridicule, which, under the mask of honest simplicity or ignorance, exposes the faults and errors of others, by seeming to adopt or defend them. ...
Dramatic: The audience knows something the characters do not. There is a special form of dramatic irony called tragic irony in which the audience knows the character is making a mistake as the character is doing something. Situational: A difference between what is expected to happen in a certai...
Dramatic irony occurs in a wide variety of works, ranging from the comic to the tragic. Tragic irony is a type of dramatic irony marked by a sense of foreboding. As with all dramatic irony, tragic irony involves imperfect information, but the consequences of this ignorance are catastrophic, ...
The meaning of IRONY is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. How to use irony in a sentence. What's irony? Synonym Discussion of Irony.
5. Tragic or Dramatic Irony The audience knowsmuchmore than the characters do in this. If it weren’t for this type of irony, soap operas, horror stories, “slasher” films and murder mysteries would have trouble keeping our attention. InOedipus,we know our hero is doomed from the start....
Dramatic irony occurs when the audience has more information than one or more characters in a work of literature. This literary device originated in Greek tragedy and often leads to tragic outcomes. For example, in Shakespeare’s Othello, the audience is aware that Othello’s best friend Iago ...
If you’re watching a movie about the Titanic and a character leaning on the balcony right before the ship hits the iceberg says, "It's so beautiful I could just die," that’s an example of dramatic irony.Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the characters don’t...