investment (ɪnˈvɛstmənt) n 1. (Banking & Finance) a. the act of investing money b. the amount invested c. an enterprise, asset, etc, in which money is or can be invested 2. a. the act of investing effort, resources, etc b. the amount invested 3. (Economics) ec...
The J-curve effect is most often used in economics, to describe the effects of a currency devaluation, and in private equity, to describe the trajectory of a long-term investment. It could be relevant in many other instances when used to illustrate an outcome that starts with a negative imp...
In investing, indexing is a passive investment strategy. You create a portfolio that tracks a common market index, such as the S&P 500 with the goal of mimicking the index's performance. As a strategy, indexing offers broad diversification, as well as lower expenses, than investing strategies ...
(Economics) (functioning as singular) the branch of economics concerned with aggregates, such as national income, consumption, and investment. Comparemicroeconomics ˌmacroˌecoˈnomicadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
A financial investment is an asset that you put money into with the hope that it will grow or appreciate into a larger sum of money. Learn more...
Shawn has a masters of public administration, JD, and a BA in political science. Cite this lesson Private investment in the world of economics does not necessarily mean what you think it does. In this lesson, you'll learn what private investment is as well as its related concepts. You'...
increaseInvestment,thesupplyofcapitalgoods pricesrose,rhasdiminishedbecauseofthepriceincreaser valueoftheMarginalEfficiencyofcapitalorbecauseoncea productoftheproductionhasahigherreturnonInvestment, manyproducerstoincreaseInvestmentinthesector,the resultsincreasethesupplyoftheproducts,prices,leading toInvestmentcapital...
Economics Definitions Macroeconomic Definitions Absolute advantage | Absolute advantage occurs when a country or region can create more of a product with the same factor inputs | Accelerator effect | Planned capital investment by private sector businesses is linked to the growth of demand for goods ...
The Evolution of Public Finances in Nineteenth-Century Germany J and P Lains (eds) Paying for the liberal state: the rise of public finance in nineteenth-century Europe (New York, Cambridge University Press), ... M Spoerer 被引量: 23发表: 2010年 Investment in education : the implications...
a phase of theBUSINESS CYCLEcharacterized by an upturn in the level of economic activity (ACTUAL GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT). Real output and investment increase andUNEMPLOYMENTfalls. A recovery in economic activity is usually dependent on there being an increase inAGGREGATE DEMAND, which may come about...