What is the definition of inflationary gap?An inflationary gap is always related to a business-cycle expansion and arises when theequilibrium levelof an economy’s aggregate output is greater than the output that could be produced at full employment. ...
The meaning of INFLATIONARY GAP is an excess of total disposable income over the value of the available supply of goods at a specified price level sufficient to cause an inflation of prices.
Inflationary Gap Definition Inflationary Gap Calculations Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What causes an inflationary gap? There are several potential causes of an inflationary gap. These include increases in government spending, net exports, investment spending, and/or changes in the money supply...
The meaning of INFLATIONARY is of, characterized by, or productive of inflation. How to use inflationary in a sentence.
Two-price buffer stock scheme双重价格缓冲储备计划:is established around a target price range, implemented through the intervention of buying and selling the commodity by the use of price ceiling and floors. Guaranteed prices(one-price sche...
deflationary gap Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to deflationary gap:Inflationary gap n (Economics)economicsa situation in which total spending in an economy is insufficient to buy all the output that can be produced with full employment ...
An inflationary gap occurs when the actual level of output in an economy exceeds its potential output, leading to upward pressure on prices and resulting in inflation.
inflationary gap inflationary spiral inflationary universe inflationism inflationist inflation-proof inflative inflator inflatus inflbulation inflect inflectable inflected Inflected cycloid inflection inflection point inflectional inflectional ending inflectional morphology ▼ Full browser ? ▲ inflate inflate (someth...
Inflationary definition: of, pertaining to, reflective of, or causing inflation. See examples of INFLATIONARY used in a sentence.
Economists disagree as to whether and under what circumstances stimulus packages cause inflation. On the one hand, some argue that stimulus packages are inherently inflationary because they increase the amount of money in circulation without increasing the economy's productive capacity. By this logic, ...