通货膨胀的定义(Definitionofinflation)Definitionofinflation(1)thedebateaboutdefinitionWesterneconomistshavelongdebatedthis.Inprinciple,itcanbedividedinto"monetary"and"price". The"monetary-school"arguesthatinflationisageneralriseinprices,andthattheriseisduetoexcessivesupplyofmoney."Excessivemoneychasingrelatively...
通货膨胀的定义(Definition of inflation).doc,通货膨胀的定义(Definition of inflation) Definition of inflation (1) the debate about definition Western economists have long debated this. In principle, it can be divided into monetary and price. The moneta
通货膨胀的定义(Definition of inflation) Definition of inflation (1) the debate about definition Western economists have long debated this. In principle, it can be divided into "monetary" and "price". The "monetary-school" argues that inflation is a general rise in prices, and that the rise ...
的定义 通货膨胀 tōnghuò péngzhàng 东西的价格普遍上涨。 例如:去年一个超市项目的选择成本为$ 105.60,今年同样的项目成本为$ 112.20 (相反,价格普遍下降,被称为通货紧缩。)
Definition of inflation noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryinflation noun /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/[uncountable] a fall in the value of money and a general increase in prices; the rate at which this happens the fight against rising inflation to ...
inflation (ɪnˈfleɪʃən) n 1.the act of inflating or state of being inflated 2.(Economics)economicsa progressive increase in the general level of prices brought about by an expansion in demand or the money supply (demand-pull inflation) or by autonomous increases in costs (cost...
inflation (redirected fromInflation (disambiguation)) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia [in-fla´shun] distention or the act of distending, with air, gas, or fluid. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Sau...
Definition:Inflation is the devaluation of a currency marked by a sustained trend of rising prices in the economy. In other words, the value of each dollar is less, which causes the general price of goods to increase. This is typically caused by an increase in the money supply relative to...
Define Inflation-Adjusted. Inflation-Adjusted synonyms, Inflation-Adjusted pronunciation, Inflation-Adjusted translation, English dictionary definition of Inflation-Adjusted. true; existing; actual: the real reason Not to be confused with: reel – windin
Inflation refers to the sustained or considerable rise in the general price level of goods and services over a period of time. It is characterized by low purchasing power as with an increase in the prices, few goods and services can be bought from each u