impulsive impulsively impulsiveness impulsivity Impulsor Impunctate Impunctual Impunctuality impundulu Impune Impunibly impunity Impuration impure impurely impureness impurity impurple Imputability imputable Imputableness imputably imputation imputation system imputative impute Imputer imputrescible impv Imran Kha...
The meaning of AUTOMATIC is largely or wholly involuntary; especially : reflex. How to use automatic in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Automatic. attribute or ascribe (something dishonest or dishonourable, esp a criminal offence) to a person attribute to a source or cause:I impute your success to nepotism. 3.(Commerce)commerceto give (a notional value) to goods or services when the real value is unknown ...
A take on this comes from Einarsen (1999), who defined bullying as the repeated actions that one or more people experience in the form of deliberate or unconscious acts by another person or a group of persons that cause distress, humiliation, and offence and can interfere with the victim’s...
The meaning of WHIMSICAL is resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice; especially : lightly fanciful. How to use whimsical in a sentence. Trace Whimsical Back to the 16th Century
Impulsive soundmeans either a single pressure peak or a single burst (multiple pressure peaks) that has a duration of less than one second. Psychotropic medicationmeans medication the prescribed intent of which is to affect or alter thought processes, mood, or behavior including but not limited to...
Astrology: Astrology posits that the alignment of the stars when a person is born lead to certain personality characteristics. For example, those born within a certain period of time are supposed to be outgoing, or careful, wise or impulsive, or any combination of numerous other characteristics....
It will be placed in a prominent location that gets your customers' attention, for example, at a point of purchase. When your product is immediately available in a situation of need, your customer is more likely to purchase it. Push strategies often involve impulsive decisions. Consider the ...
The meaning of WHIMSICAL is resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice; especially : lightly fanciful. How to use whimsical in a sentence. Trace Whimsical Back to the 16th Century
they will receive half of the assets at age 35 and the second half at age 55. Let’s say the benefactor is leaving $200,000 to a beneficiary. Setting up a testamentary trust helps ensure a level of financial oversight, preventing the beneficiary from impulsive expenditures at an early age...