Related to Impact crater:simple crater,Manicouagan impact crater as·tro·bleme (ăs′trə-blēm′) n. A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite. [astro-+ Greekblēma,missile, wound(fromballein,to throw; seegwelə-inIndo-European roots).] ...
The meaning of CRATER is the bowl-shaped depression around the orifice of a volcano. How to use crater in a sentence.
1impact/ˈɪmˌpækt/noun pluralimpacts Britannica Dictionary definition of IMPACT 1 :the act or force of one thing hitting another [count] No one could have survived such animpact. [noncount] The bomb explodedon/upon impact(with the ground). [=when it hit the ground] ...
Define impactor. impactor synonyms, impactor pronunciation, impactor translation, English dictionary definition of impactor. n. A body that strikes another, usually larger body in an impact, as a comet striking a planet. American Heritage® Dictionary
The meaning of CRATER is the bowl-shaped depression around the orifice of a volcano. How to use crater in a sentence.
Also called impact crater;. a large bowl-shaped depression on the surface of the earth or other heavenly body, formed by the impact of a meteorite. Compare astrobleme. a similar depression or cavity that forms the opening of a volcano or geyser. The volcanic activity that creates such crat...
Impact event, collision of astronomical objects. Most collisions involve asteroids, comets, or meteoroids colliding with larger objects, such as planets or moons. Most impact events involve relatively small objects, but others involve large objects rangi
• This basin, called the Chicxulub crater, formed on the continental shelf in shallow water.• Venus has been excluded because of the paucity of information about impact craters on its surface.• Such a resolution would also establish whether impact craters and volcanoes exist.• They ...
featuresobservedinlunarcratersindicatestheir impactorigin.•Somesmoothplainsconsistofinfillin somemediumsizedcraters.•He said it the first time standing beside thecraterat theU.P. Fonseca where themotorbikehad beenblownup.•Longchainsoftinycraterson Phobos suggest thedrainageof regolith into deep...
IMPACT + NOUNspeed | craterSmall meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet's surface. PREP.on ~The front of the car had crumpled on impact. PHRASESthe moment/point/time of impact IELTS Speaking Topics (part 1,2,3)