Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 human being noun A member of the human race: being,body,creature,homo,human,individual,life,man,mortal,party,person,personage,soul. ...
The meaning of TRUST is assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. How to use trust in a sentence.
The meaning of BEING is the quality or state of having existence. How to use being in a sentence.
Well, who would have thought he could do it? noun well-being; good fortune; success: to wish well to someone. well 2 [wel] Phonetic (Standard)IPA we'll 3 [weel;unstressedwil] Phonetic (Standard)IPA contraction ofwe will. Discover More ...
Whether the two countries will open a new era of human development through cooperation or fall into the abyss of great-power conflict and confrontation is the question of the century. It should be the common aspiration of China and the United States in this new era to go beyond the narrow ...
a representation of a human figure for displaying or fitting clothes; mannequin: When I put the dress on the dummy to pin the hem, I saw a few spots where it wasn't quite symmetrical. Informal.a stupid person; dolt: Only a dummy would fall for that scam. ...
“I become very irritated with the notion that students must be “motivated.” The young human being is intrinsically motivated to a high degree. Many elements of his environment constitute challenges for him. He is curious, eager to discover, eager to know, eager to solve problems. A sad ...
Britannica Dictionary definition of BEING 1 [count]:a living thing a human/alien/mythicalbeing sentient/sexualbeings —see alsosupreme being 2 [noncount]:the state of existing:existence philosophies ofbeing The story of how the universitycame into being[=began to exist; came to be] is quite ...
Define Human flourishing. Human flourishing synonyms, Human flourishing pronunciation, Human flourishing translation, English dictionary definition of Human flourishing. Noun 1. eudaimonia - a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous; "t
The meaning of BEHAVE is to manage the actions of (oneself) in a particular way. How to use behave in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Behave.