Define HTML. HTML synonyms, HTML pronunciation, HTML translation, English dictionary definition of HTML. n. A markup language used to structure text and multimedia documents and to set up hypertext links between documents, used extensively on the World W
Define HTTP. HTTP synonyms, HTTP pronunciation, HTTP translation, English dictionary definition of HTTP. or http n. A protocol used to request and transmit files, especially webpages and webpage components, over the internet or other computer network.
The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
Computer MachineGroupActionFilter MachineGroupBasedDeployPhase MachineGroupDeploymentInput MailMessage MailMessage MailSectionType ManagementRestClient ManualIntervention ManualInterventionStatus ManualInterventionType ManualInterventionUpdateMetadata MappingDetails MappingDetails MappingResult Marcatore MarketplacePurchasedLicens...
ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview ConfigurationEditor ConfigurationFile ConfigureComputer ConfigureDatabaseWizard ConfirmButton Conflict ConnectArrow ConnectedServices ConnectionBuilder ConnectionOffline ConnectionWarning ConnectionZone Connector ConnectTestPlan Connect...
ConfigureComputer ConfigureDatabaseWizard ConfirmButton 충돌 ConnectArrow ConnectedServices ConnectionBuilder ConnectionOffline ConnectionWarning ConnectionZone 커넥터 ConnectTestPlan ConnectToDatabase ConnectToEnvironment ConnectToRemoteServer ConnectToWebSite 콘솔 ConsoleTest 상수 ConstantInternal Con... - english dictionary with multi-lingual search. Search in German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and English. Pronunciation files get rid of those silly symbols than nobody understands. It's free, so try the dictionary today
Using computer software and computer-controlled machinery to automate a manufacturing process. CB Common base configuration. Configuration where the base terminal of a transistor is a common to both the input and output signals. CB In Electronics Dictionary, CB is defined as Citizen’s band. A ...
ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop Conditionalrule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview ConfigurationEditor Configurationfile ConfigurarComputador ConfigureDatabaseWizard ConfirmButton Conflito ConnectArrow ConnectedServices ConnectionBuilder ConnectionOffline ConnectionWarning ConnectionZone Connector ConnectTestPlan Co...