The revolution that took place in the field ofmolecular biologyallowed thegeneticinformation encoded in nucleic acids of viruses—which enables viruses to reproduce, synthesize unique proteins, and alter cellular functions—to be studied. In fact, the chemical and physical simplicity of viruses has mad...
Arranged in or having the approximate shape of a flattened coil or spiral. n.Mathematics A surface in the form of a coil or screw. [Greekhelikoeidēs:helix, helik-,spiral; seehelix+-oeidēs,-oid.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016...
Arranged in or having the approximate shape of a flattened coil or spiral. n.Mathematics A surface in the form of a coil or screw. [Greekhelikoeidēs:helix, helik-,spiral; seehelix+-oeidēs,-oid.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016...
Through the action of the enzyme helicase, a portion of the helix will “open” as the two strands separate. The point at which the strands separate is referred to as the replication fork (replication fork is a Y-shaped region in a chromosome that serves as the growing site for dna ...
All IL-6 antagonists can be classified into two groups, mapping at either site 2 or 3 in correspondence to their mode of interaction with gp130. We found that site 3 is a large region, which includes residues at the beginning of helix D spatially flanked by residues in the putative AB ...
The rational design of peptide-based specific inhibitors of the caspase family members using their X-ray crystallographies is an important strategy for chemical knockdown to define the critical role of each enzyme in apoptosis and inflammation. Recently, we designed a novel potent peptide inhibitor,...
In biology, structures exist at all levels of organization, i.e. from the molecular to the cellular, tissue, organ, organismic, population and ecosystem level. Word origin: French structure < Latin structura (“‘a fitting together, adjustment, building, erection, a building, edifice, structure...
Organize polypeptides into secondary structures, such as alpha helix and beta sheet Hold together the two strands of DNA Bind transcription factors to each other Hydrogen Bonding in Water Although hydrogen bonds form between hydrogen and any other electronegative atom, the bonds within water are the ...
comparison, DNA has two long strands of sugars and phosphates, with the base pairs between them, making it look like a spiraled ladder (adouble helix).RNAhas three of the same nitrogen bases found in DNA—adenine(A),guanine(G), andcytosine(C). Instead ofthymine(T), though,RNAhasuracil...
My lecturer said it means: "3rd residue, C-terminal to Helix 'H'" but that makes no sense. If it's the 3rd residue then it can't be on the C-terminal, because the C-terminal is at the end of a massively long sequence of residues. Visa versa if it's on the C-terminal then ...