health informaticsInformation technology is a. prominent tool in healthcare management. However, healthcare systems often fall short of addressing concerns about privacy, confidentiality and safety of information. Even though there is existing literature on ethical issues in medicine, as well as ethics ...
ISO/TR14292:2012ENHealthinformatics—个人健康记录—定义、范围和背景 ISO/TR14292:2012是关于健康信息学的国际标准,具体涉及到个人健康记录(PersonalHealthRecords,简称PHR)。该标准对PHR的定义、范围和背景进行了详细的解释和阐述。 一、定义 个人健康记录是指个人用于记录和管理自己健康信息的工具和系统。它通常包括...
Related to informatics:Nursing informatics,Health informatics in·for·mat·ics (ĭn′fər-măt′ĭks) n.(used with a sing. verb) Information science. [informat(ion)+-ics.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Har...
Informatics A generic term for the hardware, software, “wetware” (brains), infrastructure and connections of an information system. Medspeak-UK A term that encompasses the technology used to create, store, exchange, use and dispose of information in its various forms. ...
… hands off mounds of data to a bioinformatician who can correlate genetic differences with health problems, with the help of high-powered computing. Stephen T. Watson and Fred O. Williams, The Buffalo (New York) News bioinformaticist -ˌin-fər-ˈma-tə-sist noun Others wi...
(redirected frominformative) Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia in·for·ma·tion (in'fŏr-mā'shun) Knowledge; a collection of facts or data. [L.informo, to shape or fashion] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Health Ministry) Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health was the first health body in the UK that could be properly regarded as a department of government. It was created by the Ministry of Health Act 1919, and consolidated under a single authority the medical and public health functions of...
Objective: To introduce the Q-methodology research technique to the field of health informatics. Q-methodology—the systematic study of subjectivity—was used to identify and categorize the opinions of primary care physicians and medical students that contributed to our understanding of their reasons for...
With their records, healthcare data analysts can determine what their information means. They use critical thinking to decide the areas where the medical facility can improve and the causes of discrepancies. With their records, health care data analysts can determine what their information means. The...
Health informatics (HI) is the design, development and execution of IT resources, specifically for medical health business processes. It is the coupling and alignment of IT and health sciences to build comprehensive health information systems providing specialized IT services for the health care industr...