Related to half-full:see the glass half full half-full adj (of a vessel, place, etc) holding or containing half its capacity Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of SLAY is to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers; broadly : to strike down : kill. How to use slay in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Slay.
: that is approximately equal to either of two equal parts that compose something : amounting to approximately half a half mile a half million (2) : falling short of the full or complete thing : partial half measures a half smile 2 : extending over one of two equal parts of ...
half-forgotten Half-form half-formed Half-forward Half-forward line half-free morel half-frozen Half-full half-gabled half-gallon Half-giant half-glass door half-glass spectacles half-glasses Half-greave half-grown Half-Half half-hapten
The interlingual dictionaries had a far greater stock of English words than were to be found in the earliest all-English dictionaries, and the compilers of the English dictionaries, strangely enough, never took full advantage of these sources. It may be surmised, however, that people in general...
to the full,to the greatest extent; thoroughly: They enjoyed themselves to the full. More idioms and phrases containingfull glass is half full have one's hands full in full swing to the full fill Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!
in half,divided into halves: The vase broke in half. not half, not at all; not really: His first attempts at painting are not half bad. half ( def 20 ). not the half of,a significant yet relatively minor part of something that remains to be described in full: Alsonot half of,not...
about half of the U.S. population supported legalization of same-sex marriage, and, in June 2015 in its decision on theObergefellv.Hodgescase, the Supreme Court ruled that state bans on same-sex marriage and on recognizing same-sex marriages duly performed in other jurisdictions were unconstitut...
HALF. One equal part of a thing divided into two parts, either in fact or in contemplation. A moiety. This word is used in composition; as, half cent, half dime, &c. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. ...
The concept of corporate culture, and the study of it, evolved throughout the second half of the 20th century. It was influenced by related academic disciplines, such as business psychology, and societal trends, such as globalism. During the past several decades, researchers began to study how...