Related to gyroscopic:gyroscopic couple,gyroscopic precession,Gyroscopic Motion gy·ro·scope (jī′rə-skōp′) n. A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, usually mounted on a gimbal so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain...
Related to Gyroscopic intertia:gyroscopic precession,Rigidity in space gy·ro·scope (jī′rə-skōp′) n. A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, usually mounted on a gimbal so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain its ...
nounthat part of the precession of the equinoxes which depends on the action of the planets alone. noun(Astron.)the slow backward motion of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic, at the rate of 50.2″ annually, caused by the action of the sun, moon, and planets, upon the protuberant...
Initial Gyroscopic Precession Using Forces I think I more or less understand how a gyroscope precesses--at least mathematically and in terms of torque/angular momentum. My question here is: how does the gyroscope start precessing in the first place? The external forces on the center of mass ar...
In studying gyroscopic progression, the angular momentum vector is added to the torque vector. As intuitively these two vectors seem to be qualitatively quite different, how do we know that both vectors are in the same vector field and that they can be manipulated using the rules of vector.....
gyroscopic gyrose gyrostabiliser gyrostabilizer gyrostat gyrostatic gyrostatics gyrous ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
Finding torque from gyroscopic effect Hello everyone, I have a problem while calculate dynamic for gyroscope system on bicycle. I use Lagrange's equation for modelling precession effect, with generalized coordinate is a angular, the applied generalized force will be a torque. The model of gyroscope...
Finding torque from gyroscopic effect Hello everyone, I have a problem while calculate dynamic for gyroscope system on bicycle. I use Lagrange's equation for modelling precession effect, with generalized coordinate is a angular, the applied generalized force will be a torque. The model of gyroscope...
Related to Gyroscopic Inertia:gyroscopic precession,Rigidity in space gy·ro·scope (jī′rə-skōp′) n. A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, usually mounted on a gimbal so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain its or...
gyroscopicadj ˌgyroˈscopicallyadv ˌgyroˈscopicsn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 gy•ro•scope ...