5. A short pause in a line of poetry; a caesura. 6. A device used as a support: a back rest. 7. Games See bridge1. v. rest·ed, rest·ing, rests v.intr. 1. a. To cease motion, work, or activity, especially in order to become refreshed: The laborers rested in the shad...
Define rest upon. rest upon synonyms, rest upon pronunciation, rest upon translation, English dictionary definition of rest upon. abstain or be relieved from exertion: Rest here awhile before traveling on.; left without further investigation: Let the mat
664[1]0x40NO_ZBUFFER_WRITEModel is a shadow. Disable writing to z-buffer when rendering it, allowing transparencies of other objects, shadows, and lights to be visible through this object. Not implemented in the PS2 version.Shadow GTA Vice City ...
rotw : rest of the world rowyco : rock out with your c**k out rox : rocks roxor : rock roxorz : rocks roxxor : rock rp : roleplay rpg : role playing game rpita : royal pain in the ass rplbk : reply back rpo : royally pissed off rpt : report rq : real quick rr : rest ...
RNase H digestion was performed for 10 min at 30°C with an oligo against the 3′ end of the exon (TCGAAAGACCGC) or a control oligo (GTCTTGTAAGCT). MS2 Affinity Purification and Psoralen Crosslinking Exon and B-like complexes were purified via MS2 affinity selection as described ...
Define Side Letters. As defined in Section 11.2(a). SIGTARP: The Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Similar Law: Any federal, state, local, non-U.S. or other law or regulation that could cause the underlying assets of the Pa
Definition of UGS in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is UGS? Meaning of UGS as a finance term. What does UGS mean in finance?
It enables virtual delivery of an application over the Internet while providing the same functionality and services of a natively installed application. Advertisements Application service virtualization is also known as application virtualization. Techopedia Explains Application Service Virtualization Application...
The function provided both pinion and gear 2D geometries (Figure 2), according to the spiral bevel Mgeeatarlss '20m18a,n 8u, xf aFcOtRu rPiEnEgRp RrEoVcIeEsWs ( by pairs). The design that was provided was a 2D design that need5eodf 1to7 be revolted through the ...
which in bad conditions of GPS coverage cTohueldpebrepqeunidteichuilgahr .distance value penalizes those digital maps with a high density of points, ‚ Tthhaet pise,rpweinthdilciuttllaer ddiissttaannccee vbaetluweepenentahleizmes, athsoisne tdhiegimtaal pmaupsesdwiinthtahihsigrehsdea...