The meaning of GROW UP is to grow toward or arrive at full stature or physical or mental maturity : to progress from childhood toward adulthood; also : to become an adult. How to use grow up in a sentence.
grown′-up′ adj. 1.having reached the age of maturity. 2.characteristic of or suitable for adults. [1625–35] grown′-up′ness,n. grown•up (ˈgroʊnˌʌp) n. a fully grown person; adult. [1805–15] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionar...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook upgrowings (ˈʌpˌɡrəʊɪŋz) pl n instances of growing upwards Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of GROW UP is to grow toward or arrive at full stature or physical or mental maturity : to progress from childhood toward adulthood; also : to become an adult. How to use grow up in a sentence.
Growing definition: becoming greater in quantity, size, extent, or intensity. See examples of GROWING used in a sentence.
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Growth definition: the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.. See examples of GROWTH used in a sentence.
Dictionary, reference book that lists words in order—usually, for Western languages, alphabetical—and gives their meanings. In addition to its basic function of defining words, a dictionary may provide information about their pronunciation, grammatical
The increase in size of a living being or any of its parts occurring in the process of development. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 growth (grōth) n. 1. a. The process of growing. b. Full development; maturity. 2. Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or...
is declining over the three years. Country B is growing rapidly and at an increasing rate. This is not unusual for large, mature countries and emerging-markets economies, respectively. But also notice that in year 3, the size of Country A’s economy is still more than 36× larger than ...