of viscosity, in which the liquid flows through a tube at the different level of pressures. the coefficient of viscosity of fluids will be decreased as the temperature increases, while it is inverse in the case of gases. while the coefficient of viscosity of gases will increase with the ...
“an ampere is the amount of current produced by the force of one volt acting through a resistance of one ohm”. ampere is defined as the unit of electric current that is equal to the flow of one coulomb per second. the relationship between ampere and coulomb is represented as follows: ...
Any ratio measuring one's ability to pay a certainexpense. There are various kinds of coverage ratio. For example, one may take a ratio of a company's monthlycash flowto its monthlydebt service. Generally speaking, a coverage ratio at or above 1 indicates that a company can pay the state...
As per the circular of the Department of Company affairs (No. 6/3/2001-CL.V) dated 18th April 2002, Debenture Redemption reserve is not required to be created for issue of privately placed debentures by Non-Banking Finance Companies /registered with Reserve Bank of India under Section 45 IA...
Compliance Officer Qualifications and Experience Criteria – Compliance Officers must hold a Company Secretary qualification or a law degree with two years of experience or five years of experience with NISM certifications.Impact The amendments aim to strengthen the ...
The formula and Fixed Rate are determined by the Company at the beginning of each Loan Tenor and remain unchanged during that Loan Tenor. Unless otherwise agreed by the Financing Bank or stipulated herein, each drawdown under this Specification made by the Client shall be completely and fully rep...
The persons or institutions engaging in atransaction. That is, thebuyerand thesellerof a good are the counterparties to thesaleof that good. While it could apply to any transaction, the term is most common when referring to the counterparties of aswap. ...
Joint stock company joint supply Joint tax return Joint Tenancy joint tenancy with right of survivorship Joint Tenants in Common Joint tenants with right of survivorship joint venture jointly and severally Jointly Owned Property joint-profit maximization ...
An example:Let’s assume that a company took a loan of ₹ 20 million. If the company fails to pay the interest ₹100,000 per month for three consecutive months, the lender categorises this loan as non-performing asset, listing it as an NPA on its balance sheet. A loan can also ...
The company should obtain credit ratings from a recognised credit rating agency such asCRISILorICRA. Further, the ratings should not be older than two months, at the time of applying to the RBI. These are no listing requirements for public sector companies but for other companies the equity of...