2.To set right; repair:healed the rift between us. v.intr. 1. a.To recover from an illness or injury; return to health. b.To experience relief from emotional distress:gave the grieving family time to heal. 2.To be relieved or eliminated:The rift between them finally healed. ...
...cried afathermourning for his dead son. In another lament a grieving mother is compared to the drooping fronds of the tree-fern. The maiden keeping tryst bids the light fleecy cloudlets, which in New... — The Long White Cloud • William Pember Reeves ...
1.(Judaism) an ancient Jewish liturgical prayer largely written in Aramaic and used in various forms to separate sections of the liturgy. Mourners have the right to recite some of these in public prayer during the year after, and on the anniversary of, a death ...
(See alsoGRIEVING.) crestfallenDispirited; lacking in confidence, spirit, or courage; humbled; in a blue funk. In use since the 16th century, this term is said to allude to the crests of fighting cocks which reputedly become rigid and deep-red in color during the height of battle but fl...