a. Physically powerful; capable of exerting great physical force. b. Marked by great physical power: a strong blow to the head. 2. In good or sound health; robust: a strong constitution; a strong heart. 3. Economically or financially sound or thriving: a strong economy. 4. Having force...
a. Physically powerful; capable of exerting great physical force. b. Marked by great physical power: a strong blow to the head. 2. In good or sound health; robust: a strong constitution; a strong heart. 3. Economically or financially sound or thriving: a strong economy. 4. Having force...
A method of acquiring a nonpossessory interest in land through the long, continuous use of the land. Prescription refers to a type of easement—the right to use the property of another. It requires the use of the land to have been open, continuous, exclusive, and under claim of right for...
A UKregionalNHStrustwithmanagerialinfrastructurethatprovidesservicesforpeoplewithmentalhealthproblemswhichcannotbeprovidedbytheirGPsandrequirespecialisedcare.Servicesrangefrompsychologicalortalktherapytohighlyspecialisedcareforpeoplewithseverementalhealthproblems—asrequiredby0.2%ofthegeneralpopulation,forsevereanxiety,psychosis...
Disclosure of Interests. None Declared. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2023-eular.4473 ASSESSMENT OF STIGMATIZATION IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS USING THE STIGMA SCALE FOR CHRONIC ILLNESSES-SHORT FORM (SSCI-8) Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis, Cognitive function, Mental health Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) ...
Thomas Healthmeans Debtor ThomasHealth System, Inc. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Examples ofThomas Healthin a sentence Contact Details Full name of Data Controller: St Thomas Medical Group Name of Data Protection Officer: Nina Smith Email address: d-ccg.stthomasm@nhs.net Postal address: StThomas ...
Under federal law, the definition of a disability, forSocial Securitybenefits purposes, requires the existence of a medically ascertainable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or endures for a stated period, and an inability to engage in any substantial gainful ac...
. I'm MUCH healthier. The only side affect I have is I have to watch the amount of sweets I eat. My blood sugar drops and I faint. But, that's a good thing.. makes me not want to eat any sweets! A friend of mine can't eat protein. So she has to look for other sources....
Before panic disorder can be diagnosed, a doctor or mental health professional must also rule out other possible causes of the physical symptoms of a panic attack, such as heart problems or adverse effects from medication. You may be sent for medical tests as part of your assessment. ...
Yet the figures, high as they are, still see the health board's absence rates coming in below the Welsh average. Worst rate of NHS sickness absence since records began Since the financial crash in the late 2000s, sickness absence rates have declined by 0.5 percentage points to 1.9 per cent...