Definition of good citizenship needs rethinking, author says; Expectations of citizens are too high now and are contributing to low voter turnout, the professor said.(NEWS)Black, Eric
The meaning of CITIZENSHIP is the status of being a citizen. How to use citizenship in a sentence.
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person's conduct as a citizen: an award for good citizenship. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper... inhabitant of a city or town.a citizen of London.ciudadano,vecino,munícipe 2.a member of a state or country.a British citizen;a citizen of the USA.ciudadano ˈcitizenshipnoun the status, rights and duties of a citizen,especiallyof a particular countryetc.He has applied for British...
of being a citizen in two countries)in Ireland and the US.2the ways in which a goodcitizenbehaves, for example beingresponsibleand helping theircommunityThe schools should be responsible for teaching our childrengood citizenship.Examples from the Corpuscitizenship•Activecitizenship, in the form of...
The meaning of ESSENTIAL is of, relating to, or constituting essence : inherent. How to use essential in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Essential.
So digital citizenship is nearly the same thing–“the quality of a response to membership in adigitalcommunity” would be a good first crack at the definition. Revising that might more clearly articulate the differences between physical and digital communities, so a decent definition ofdigital citi...
The purpose of primitive education is thus to guide children to becoming good members of theirtribeor band. There is a marked emphasis upon training forcitizenship, because primitive people are highly concerned with the growth of individuals as tribal members and the thorough comprehension of their ...
Forward a copy of the adopted Dress Code to the Department of Home Affairs as required under the AustralianCitizenship Code; and3. Under Article 23 of theCitizenship Code, citizens may have their citizenship with- drawn if they seriously breach their duties as Belgian citizens, provided that the...
More Definitions ofCanadian citizen Canadian citizenmeans, among others: Sample 1 Canadian citizenmeansa personwho is a permanent resident, as defined in theImmigration Act(Canada), or a citizen, within themeaning oftheCitizenship Act(Canada) but is not a resident as defined bysection 1ofthe Act...