goldilocks Thesaurus Wikipedia gold·i·locks (gōl′dē-lŏks′) n.Informal A person, usually a woman or girl, with golden or blond hair. [goldy,golden(from Middle English :gold,gold; seegold+-y,-y; see-y1) +locks, pl. oflock.] ...
The meaning of GOLDILOCKS is a person with golden hair —used as a nickname. How to use Goldilocks in a sentence.
Switch tonew thesaurus Adj.1.golden-green- of green tinged with gold chromatic- being or having or characterized by hue Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link...
We often call this the Goldilocks Principle: A lesson that’s too easy won’t lead to much learning. A lesson that’s far too hard will simply confuse students. But, a lesson that is challenging but not impossible should motivate students and lead to maximum learning development. Image 2: ...
Electrical heart failure treatment in the Goldilocks zone: cardiac contractility modulation proves equally effective for heart failure control in HFrEF pat... BACKGROUND. Current guidelines recommend a four pillar therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). A subgroup of patients,...
Electrical heart failure treatment in the Goldilocks zone: cardiac contractility modulation proves equally effective for heart failure control in HFrEF pat... BACKGROUND. Current guidelines recommend a four pillar therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). A subgroup of patients,...
The meaning of GOLDILOCKS is a person with golden hair —used as a nickname. How to use Goldilocks in a sentence.
Goldilocks zone Goldin Golding Golding William Gerald goldish goldless Goldman Goldman Emma Goldman-Rakic Patricia Shoer Goldmark goldmine Goldney gold-of-pleasure Goldoni Goldoni Carlo goldplate gold-plate gold-plated gold-rimmed Goldsboro Goldschmidt Goldseed goldsinny goldsize goldsmith goldsmith beetle ...
goldilocks aster Goldilocks zone Goldin Golding Golding William Gerald goldish goldless Goldman Goldman Emma Goldman-Rakic Patricia Shoer Goldmark goldmine Goldney gold-of-pleasure Goldoni Goldoni Carlo goldplate gold-plate gold-plated gold-rimmed
Goldilocks zone Goldin Golding Golding William Gerald goldish goldless Goldman Goldman Emma Goldman-Rakic Patricia Shoer Goldmark goldmine Goldney gold-of-pleasure Goldoni Goldoni Carlo goldplate gold-plate gold-plated ▼ Full browser ? ▲ goldfinch goldfinches goldfinches goldfinches Goldfinger Goldfinger...