Define global village. global village synonyms, global village pronunciation, global village translation, English dictionary definition of global village. n. The world considered as a single community in which telecommunications link the inhabitants toge
Global dimming definition: a decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth, believed to be caused by pollution in the atmosphere. See examples of GLOBAL DIMMING used in a sentence.
Define globalisms. globalisms synonyms, globalisms pronunciation, globalisms translation, English dictionary definition of globalisms. n. 1. A national geopolitical policy in which the entire world is regarded as the appropriate sphere for a state's infl
Global Positioning System n.Abbr.GPS A system of satellites, computers, and receivers that is able to determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by calculating the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver. ...
Define Globalizim. Globalizim synonyms, Globalizim pronunciation, Globalizim translation, English dictionary definition of Globalizim. tr.v. glob·al·ized , glob·al·iz·ing , glob·al·iz·es To make global or worldwide in scope or application. glob′
global community Acronyms Wikipedia Related to global community:global village,Global society n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the people or nations of the world, considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and politically interdependent ...
Global Air Transportation Execution System global aphasia global brightening global climate change Global Combat Support System Global Command and Control System global community Global Decision Support System global dimming global distribution global distribution of materiel global grid Global Information Grid gl...
Define globalizing. globalizing synonyms, globalizing pronunciation, globalizing translation, English dictionary definition of globalizing. tr.v. glob·al·ized , glob·al·iz·ing , glob·al·iz·es To make global or worldwide in scope or application. g
Twitter Google Share on Facebook global grid An open systems architecture that provides global connectivity instantaneously on warrior demand. The global grid can support both vertical and horizontal information flow to joint and multinational forces. See also common operating environment; node/command, ...
Define Globals. Globals synonyms, Globals pronunciation, Globals translation, English dictionary definition of Globals. adj. 1. Having the shape of a globe; spherical. 2. Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide: global war; global monet