gene (redirected fromGene locus) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia gene (jēn) n. A hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and is transcribed into an RNA molecule that may function directly or be translated into an amino acid chain. Genes...
gene (dʒin) n. the basic physical unit of heredity; a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA that provides the coded instructions for synthesis of RNA, which, when translated into protein, leads to the expression of hereditary character. ...
The meaning of LOCUS is the place where something is situated or occurs : site, location. How to use locus in a sentence.
The meaning of ALLELE is any of the alternative forms of a gene that may occur at a given locus.
locus [lō′kəs] Pluralloci(lō′sī′, -kē, -kī′) The set or configuration of all points whose coordinates satisfy a single equation or one or more algebraic conditions. The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. ...
Rowley H, Jones A, Spandidos D, Field J. Definition of a tumor suppressor gene locus on the short arm of chromo- some 3 in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck by means of microsatellite markers. Arch Otolaryngol--Head Neck Surg 1996;122:497-501....
The paired alleles will occupy the same spot on a chromosome (called a locus). They will also control the same trait. The term allele refers to a variant of a specific gene. Because most eukaryotes reproduce sexually, each parent contributes one of the two alleles for a given gene. Since...
Locus (pl. loci) The position on a chromosome of a gene or other chromosome marker; also, the DNA at that position. The use of locus is sometimes restricted to mean expressed DNA regions. About the author Mark McCracken Author: Mark McCracken is a corporate trainer and author living in ...
of the Hb's. Hb Gower-1 has two ζ chains and two ε chains. The production of each kind of globin chain is controlled by a structural gene of similar Greek letter designation; normal individuals are homozygous for the normal allele at each locus. Substitution of one amino acid for ...
locus- the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting) locale,venue scene- the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to the scene of the crime" the specific site of a particular gene on its chromosome ...