gamma radiation Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia n 1.(Nuclear Physics) electromagnetic radiation emitted by atomic nuclei; the wavelength is generally in the range 1 × 10–10to 2 × 10–13metres 2.(General Physics) electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength emitted by any source, ...
Learn the definition of gamma radiation and its equation. Understand the sources of gamma radiation, its properties, and applications, along with...
The meaning of RADIATION is the action or process of radiating. How to use radiation in a sentence.
The meaning of GAMMA RAY is a photon emitted spontaneously by a radioactive substance; also : a photon of higher energy than that of an X-ray.
gamma (ˈgӕmə) : gamma rays a powerful form of radiation. gama, rayos gama Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. gamma n gamma; — knife bisturí de rayos gamma English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hi...
Explore gamma rays. Learn the definition of a gamma ray and see its characteristics. Find the sources of gamma rays on Earth and outer space, and...
Definition of Radiation Radiation: 1.Rays of energy. Gamma rays and X-rays are two of the types of energy waves often used in medicine. 2.The use of energy waves to diagnose or treat disease. See also:Irradiation.
Two gamma-ray diagnostics upgrade projects at JET addressed this issue by developing neutron/gamma radiation filters ("neutron attenuators") and collimators for a proper definition of the radiation (neutron and gamma) fields along the diagnostics line-of-sight. A pair of neutron/gamma collimators ...
Gamma radiation is the simplest, as it is a high-energy photon emitted from the radioactive atom with a wavelength in the gamma part of the spectrum. Beta radiation is the transmutation of a proton into a neutron, facilitated by the emission of an electron. This process can also happen in...
Radiation is the release of energy, whether it takes the form of waves or particles. Radioactivity refers to the decay or splitting of an atomic nucleus. A radioactive material releases radiation when it decays. Examples of decay include alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, neutron release, ...