Noun1.fringe benefit- an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right); "a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job" perk,perquisite benefit- financial assistance in time of need ...
pre-established wage. For employees, a fringe benefit is a great way to save more money since the company takes on some of their regular expenses, like in the case of insurance policies or cell phones. In some instances, these benefits are tax-exempt, like in the case of health insurance...
The meaning of BENEFIT is something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being : advantage. How to use benefit in a sentence.
The meaning of BENEFIT is something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being : advantage. How to use benefit in a sentence.
fringe benefit(noun) lunatic fringe(noun) 1fringe/ˈfrɪnʤ/noun pluralfringes Britannica Dictionary definition of FRINGE 1 [count]:a border made of hanging threads used to decorate the edge of something (such as clothing, rugs, and curtains) ...
death benefit(noun) fringe benefit(noun) sickness benefit(noun) doubt(noun) 1benefit/ˈbɛnəˌfɪt/noun pluralbenefits Britannica Dictionary definition of BENEFIT 1 :a good or helpful result or effect [count] thebenefitsof fresh air and sunshine ...
Generally, fringe benefits are provided by the employer, even if the actual provider is a third party. This is because the employer is the party that pays for the benefit that is provided to the employee. Similarly, the employee is usually the recipient of the benefit, even if its use is...
benefit 1) n.anyprofitoracquiredrightorprivilege,primarilythroughacontract.2) inworker'scompensationtheterm"benefit"istheinsurancepaymentresultingfromafatalaccidentonthejob,while"compensation"isforinjurywithoutdeath.3) inincometaxation,anythingthatbringseconomicgain.4)"fringebenefits"arerightsfromemploymentotherth...
What is a Non-Cash Taxable Benefit? Non-Cash: Fringe Benefits Non-Monetary Rewards & the Tax Code Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is an example of a fringe benefit? Gym memberships are an example of a fringe benefit. It isn't a standard offering from companies as part of th...
Define Executive Benefit. means the benefit amounts determined pursuant to Sections 3 through 5 (including sub-paragraphs, as applicable), reduced or adjusted to the extent: (a) required under the other provisions of this Agreement; or (b) required by re