5. the point of origin of an earthquake. 6. the primary center from which a disease develops or in which it localizes. v.t. 7. to bring to a focus or into focus: to focus the lens of a camera. 8. to concentrate: to focus one's thoughts. v.i. 9. to become focused. ...
DEFINITION OF EARTHQUAKE FOCUS COORDINATES USING A COMBINED METHODdoi:10.21822/2073-6185-2017-44-2-118-125Tagirbek AslanovVestnik Dagestanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehnieskogo Universiteta: Tehnieskie Nauki
The hypocenter or focus is the point deep in the crust where the earthquake started. The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the hypocenter where the shaking will be most felt. What are the 4 types of earthquakes? The four types of earthquakes are tectonic, volcanic, collaps...
The hypocenter or focus is the point deep in the crust where the earthquake started. The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the hypocenter where the shaking will be most felt. What are the 4 types of earthquakes? The four types of earthquakes are tectonic, volcanic, collaps...
in focus; out of focus. Geometry.(of a conic section) a point having the property that the distances from any point on a curve to it and to a fixed line have a constant ratio for all points on the curve. Geology.the point of origin of an earthquake. ...
:the starting point of an earthquake focus 2 of 2verb focusedalsofocussed;focusingalsofocussing 1 a :to bring into focus b :to adjust the focus of focusa telescope 2 :to cause to be concentrated focusattention on a problem 3 :to bring to a focus ...
The meaning of FOCUS is a center of activity, attraction, or attention. How to use focus in a sentence. Did you know?
idea that crises and emergencies can help provide a setting for rallying protest against the government. For example, the 1973 earthquake in Nicaragua—and the massive corruption and lack ofsubsequentreconstruction—generated widespread disillusionment and helped a long-standing Marxistinsurgencydramatically ...
Focus = the point inside the Earth where the rock breaks off and pressure is released, The focus point generally occurs 45 miles below the ground. Focal depth of an earthquake = the depth of the hypocentre below the Earth's surface. Foreshocks = these are smaller earthquakes in the sa...
Parts of an Earthquake When the rock breaks underground, it creates a crack called afault. The exact spot underground where the rock breaks is called thefocus. The place on the Earth's surface directly above the focus is called theepicenter. Smaller shakes that happen before the main earthqua...