Define depreciation in economics. What does dissaving mean in economics? Define the term "behavioral economics" and explain how it is applied to consumers in the study of economics. Are the pricing policies of firms related to microeconomics or macroeconomics? Explain. ...
(in economics consulting firms), in industry, or in government. Still others are employed inaccounting, commerce,marketing, and business administration; although they are trained as economists, their occupational expertise falls within other fields. Indeed, this can be considered “the age of ...
thenetbalance of new start-up businesses and those businesses ceasing trading (seeINSOLVENCY). Generally, the total stock of firms increases when the economy is expanding (or as a result of some ‘special’ factor, e.g. the surge in newly establishedINTERNETbusinesses) and falls in a ...
In economics, duopoly is a market structure characterized by the presence of two dominant firms that possess a significant market share. These firms typically dictate the terms of competition within the industry and can have a considerable impact on market dynamics. Now let’s explore the two type...
The meaning of SUPPLY is the quantity or amount (as of a commodity) needed or available. How to use supply in a sentence.
firm(pluralfirms) (Britain,business)Abusinesspartnership; the name under which ittrades. (business,economics)A businessenterprise, however organized. 2013June 1,“End of the peer show”, inThe Economist, volume 407, number 8838, page 71: ...
The concentration ratio, ineconomics, is a ratio that indicates the size of firms in relation to their industry as a whole. Low concentration ratio in an industry would indicate greater competition among the firms in that industry, compared to one with a ratio nearing 100%, which would be ev...
首先,垄断的定义:垄断市场是指整个行业只有惟一一个厂商的市场组织。垄断厂商可以控制和操纵市场价格。有些行业的生产具备这样的特点:企业的生产规模经济需要在一个很大的产量范围和相应巨大的资本设备的生产运行水平上才能得到充分体现,以至于一整个行业的 产量只有由一个企业来生产时才能达到这样的生产规模...
In economics, price takers refer to firms or individuals that must accept prevailing market prices. Examples of price takers—and their opposite, price makers—are widely prevalent throughout every sector, from retail shopping to oil and commodities markets. In a hypothetical market with perfect comp...
A J-curve is a trendline that shows an initial loss immediately followed by a dramatic gain. In a chart, this pattern of activity would follow the shape of a capital "J". The J-curve effect is often cited in economics to illustrate the way that a country’sbalance of tradeinitially wor...