Fetal Stage After 10 weeks (gestational age), the embryonic stage ends, and the fetal stage begins. Prior to the start of the fetal period, the unborn baby is still called an embryo. The fetal stage refers to stages of growth during the fetal period. The fetal period refers to the ...
The fetal period refers to the period of time during pregnancy where fetal growth and development occurs. Both the fetal stage and fetal period start after 10 weeks and ends when a baby is born. The fetal period is also the longest stage of development during pregnancy. Any exposure to ...
of a foetus.in a foetal position.fetal Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. fetus →feto Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 fe·tus n.feto, embrión en desarrollo, fase de la gestación desde los tres meses hasta el parto. ...
The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy. Discomforts that started in the second trimester will likely continue, along with some new ones. As the baby grows and puts more pressure on your internal organs, you may find you have difficulty breathing and have to urinate more frequently...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromnonreassuring fetal status) Thesaurus Medical Related to nonreassuring fetal status:foetal distress ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.fetal distress- an abnormal condition of a fetus; usually discovered during pregnancy...
After 4 weeks, the basic structures of the embryo have begun to develop into separate areas that will form the head, chest, abdomen, and the organs contained within them. Small buds on the surface will become arms and legs. A home pregnancy test should be positive at this stage of develop...
If bacteriuria is detected in the first trimester and is not eradicated, about 25 per cent of these women will develop acute pyelonephritis during the third trimester or the puerperium. Several reports indicate that single-dose antibacterial therapy, applied at the asymptomatic stage, may be ...
The fetal stage begins at about the eighth week until the ninth month of pregnancy. By three months of pregnancy, the fetus’ body is fully formed including the differentiation of the genitals. During the fourth month, the baby may already be thumb sucking and appear quite human. By the fif...
The meaning of QUICKEN is to make alive : revive. How to use quicken in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Quicken.
Every stage of its foetal development is watched with feeling of settled repugnance. FromProject Gutenberg He contracted himself, pulling legs and arms inward in a massive convulsion until at last he had assumed the foetal position. FromProject Gutenberg ...