fallen [ˈfɔːlən] A. PP of fall B. ADJ 1. (lit)→ caído 2. (morally) [woman]→ perdido; [angel]→ caído C. NPL the fallen (Mil)→ los caídos Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 ...
The meaning of SAD is affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness : downcast. How to use sad in a sentence.
seefools rush in where angels fear to tread;on the side of the angels. Discover More Example Sentences Murders in the City of Angels have fallen by about half in the last 10 years: no small feat for such a big city. FromThe Daily Beast ...
1. To become less; decrease: Stock prices have fallen off. The number of staff meetings fell off after a few months. 2. To lose weight. Used of livestock: Toward the end of the dry season, the cattle fall off rapidly. 3. Nautical To change course to leeward. fall on (or upon) 1...
The meaning of SNOW is precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals formed directly from the water vapor of the air at a temperature of less than 32°F (0°C). How to use snow in a sentence.
who was supposed to present the prayers of pious Jews to God ( 1 Tobit 2:15). Uriel explained to Enoch many of his visions (1 Enoch 21:5-10; 27:2-4), interpreted Ezra's vision of the celestial Jerusalem (2 Esdras 10:28-57), and explained the fate of the fallen angels who sup...
In the final lines, the poem juxtaposes two very different symbols: the fallen statue, greatly reduced from its former size, and the huge, barren, and unchanging desert. The statue of Ozymandias is therefore symbolic of man's mortality and smallness in the face time and nature. Symbolism in...
Although most speculative stocks tend to be early-stage companies, a blue-chip can occasionally become a speculative stock if it falls upon hard times and has rapidly deteriorating prospects for the future. Such a stock is known as afallen angeland may offer an attractive risk-reward payoff if...
— Miss Prudence - A Story of Two Girls' Lives. • Jennie Maria (Drinkwater) Conklin Read full book for free! ...as the boys made no remark, "consider this life air short an full of vycissitoods. Ups an downs air the lot ofporefallen hoomanity. But if at the fust blast of mi...
Percentage exit: Using this strategy, investors exit an investment when it has gained or fallen by a certain percentage from its purchase price. For instance, Ethan, an angel investor, may decide to sell his share in a startup if it achieves a 300%return on investment (ROI). Conversely, ...