emulsion inChemistry topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English e‧mul‧sion/ɪˈmʌlʃən/noun[countable, uncountable]1amixtureofliquidsthat do not completelycombine, such asoiland water2technicalthesubstanceon thesurfaceofphotographicfilmor paper that makes itreactto light3British...
References in periodicals archive ? This rendered an increase in the number of emulsoid particles. In addition, organic groups of MEBDMSBA arrange outwardly on the emulsoid particle. Preparation and characterization of water-based polyurethane-acrylic hybrid nanocomposite emulsion based on a new silane...
(Chemistry) an agent that forms or preserves an emulsion, esp any food additive, such as lecithin, that prevents separation of sauces or other processed foods Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Physical Chemistry. a sol having a liquid disperse phase. Discover More Other Words From e·mul·soi·dal [ih-muhl-, soid, -l, ee-muhl-], adjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of emulsoid1 1905–10; < Latin ēmuls ( us ) ( emulsion ) + -oid Word of the DayApri...
A liquid is one of the states of matter. The particles in a liquid are free to flow. So, it has a definite volume, but not a definite shape.
Emulsion means a solution where two liquids that normally do not mix are mixed together using an emulsifier. One liquid acts as the continuous phase and the other liquid in little drops as the dispersed phase. What are some examples of emulsions?
emulsion colloidlyophilic colloid rarely, emulsion. lyophilic colloida stable colloid system in which the disperse phase is relatively liquid, usually comprising highly complex organic substances, such as glue or starch, which readily absorb solvent, swell, and distribute uniformly through the continuous...
Think of natural peanut butter and how it separates with a thick layer of oil on top. When you stir it with a long spoon, that's the process of emulsion, or a combination of two liquids that don't dissolve into each other.Definitions of emulsion noun (chemistry) a colloid in which ...
concentration inChemistry topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English con‧cen‧tra‧tion/ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən$ˌkɑːn-/●●●S3W2AWLnoun1[uncountable]theabilityto think about something carefully or for a long time→concentrateShe needed all herpowers of concentrati...
emulsion, equation, ester, ether, evaporation, fat, fatty acid, fermentation, fission, foam, formula, fuel, fusion, gas, halogen, hydrocarbon, hydrolysis, inert, inorganic, insoluble, ion, ionic bond, ionization, isomer, isotope, lanthanide or rare-earth element, liquid, litmus test, melting po...