Learn about emotional affect on behavior. Identify what the different types of emotions are, and learn about the purpose of emotions and why...
1.the state or quality of being stable. 2.firmness in position. 3.continuance without change; permanence. 4.resistance to chemical change or disintegration. 5.resistance to change, esp. sudden change or deterioration. 6.constancy, as of character or purpose; steadiness:emotional stability. ...
The perception of the amount of stress is subjective to every person, and the perception of it changes depending on many factors. One of the factors that has an impact on perceived stress is the emotional state. In this work, we compare the emotional state of 40 German driving students and...
The meaning of PSYCHOSEXUALITY is the mental or emotional factors of sex.
Feeling of depression. Causes of Emotional Disorders Treating Emotional Disorders Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? FAQ What are the causes of emotional disorder? Emotional disorders can be caused by a variety of factors. For instance, genetics, environmental factors, fa...
Medical Definition psychogenic adjective psy·cho·gen·ic-ˈjen-ik :originating in the mind:attributable topsychologicalor emotional factors apsychogenicmovement disorder psychogenicimpotence comparesomatogenic psychogenically -i-k(ə-)lē ...
500 years. According to these early theorists, emotional stability as well as general health depend on an appropriate balance among the four bodily humours; an excess of one may produce a particular bodily illness or an exaggerated personality trait. Thus, a person with an excess of blood would...
5. It is almost always characterized by companionship and shared activities. In fact, one of the primary goals and motivations of friendship is companionship. In addition, adolescent and adult friendships often perform other functions, such as serving as sources of emotional support and providing opp...
The factors retained for further analysis were as follows: overindulgence (Chronbach's [alpha] =.68), emotional dependence (Chronbach's [alpha] =.66), killing boredom (Chronbach's [alpha] =.71), expenditure on mobile phone (Chronbach's [alpha] =.74), virtual self-image (Chronbach's...
Behavioral economics is a method of economic analysis that considers psychological insights to explain human behavior as it relates to economic decision-making. According to rational choice theory, the rational person has self-control and is unmoved by emotional factors. However, behavioral economics ack...