The meaning of EIGENVECTOR is a nonzero vector that is mapped by a given linear transformation of a vector space onto a vector that is the product of a scalar multiplied by the original vector —called also characteristic vector.
AnEigenspaceof vectorxconsists of a set of all eigenvectors with the equivalent eigenvalue collectively with the zero vector. Though, the zero vector is not an eigenvector. Let us say A is an “n × n” matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of matrix A, thenx, a non-zero vector, is called...
eigenvector (redirected fromEigenvectors) Encyclopedia ei·gen·vec·tor (ī′gən-vĕk′tər) n. A vector whose direction is unchanged by a given transformation and whose magnitude is changed by a factor corresponding to that vector's eigenvalue. In quantum mechanics, the transformations ...
The factor by which the magnitude of an eigenvector is changed by a given transformation. [Partial translation of GermanEigenwert:eigen-,peculiar, characteristic(fromeigen,own, from Middle High German, from Old High Germaneigan; seeaik-inIndo-European roots) +Wert,value.] ...
Understand what an Eigenvector is. Discover how to find the eigenvector, explore its properties and use them to solve a system of linear...
The meaning of EIGENVALUE is a scalar associated with a given linear transformation of a vector space and having the property that there is some nonzero vector which when multiplied by the scalar is equal to the vector obtained by letting the transformat
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of MatricesIf A is any square matrix of order 'n', a matrix of A - λI can be formed, where I is a unit matrix of order n, such that the number λ, called the eigenvalue and a non-zero vector v, called the eigenvector, satisfy the equation, Av...
Origin of eigenvalue1 1925–30; partial translation of German Eigenwert, equivalent to eigen- characteristic, particular + WertvalueWords Nearby eigenvalue Eiffel Tower Eigen eigenfrequency eigenfunction eigentone eigenvalue eigenvector Eiger eight eightball eighteen...
eigenvalue and eigenvector distributionssymmetryRecent results based on Random Matrix Theory (RMT) suggest that commonly used methods to find correlations in financial markets are not adequate. They suggest that stocks may have collective behaviour that cannot be described by the classical approach. ...
characteristic vector. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofeigenvector1 First recorded in1955–60,eigenvectoris from theGermanwordEigenvektor Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance. ...