Define Economic sectors. Economic sectors synonyms, Economic sectors pronunciation, Economic sectors translation, English dictionary definition of Economic sectors. n. pl. e·con·o·mies 1. a. Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, mat
(redirected fromEconomic sectors) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia [e-kon´o-me] themanagementofmoneyordomesticaffairs. tokeneconomyaprogramoftreatmentinbehavior therapy,usuallyconductedin ahospitalsetting,inwhichthepatientmayearntokensbyengaginginappropriatepersonalandsocialbehavior,orlosetokensbyinappropr...
The meaning of SECTOR is a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle. How to use sector in a sentence.
The meaning of SECTOR is a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle. How to use sector in a sentence.
A company's sector is often listed in its basic profile information, such as what you'd find on many financial sites that list statistics on individual stocks. You can also ask your stockbrokeror contact the company itself. Sectors are not always intuitive. For example, Alphabet Inc. is in...
block- (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably" allocation unit- a group of sectors on a magnetic disk that can ...
Related to sectors:Market sectors,Economic sectors Sector Usedtocharacterizeagroupofsecuritiesthataresimilarwithrespecttomaturity,type,rating,industry,and/orcoupon. Copyright©2012,Campbell R. Harvey.AllRightsReserved. Asetofsecuritiesorindividualcompaniesthataresimilartoeachother.Forexample,allautomotivecompanies...
Definition of Sectors.A list of definition of industry sectors featured in the May 2008 issue of "The Perryman Economic Forecast" is presented.EBSCO_bspPerryman Long Term Economic Forecast
- The tertiary sector of the economy, generally known as the service sector, is the third of the three economic sectors in the three-sector model (also known...- In macroeconomics, the secondary sector of the economy is an economic sector in the three-sector theory that describes the role...
An economic cycle, also known as abusiness cycle, refers to economic fluctuations between periods of expansion and contraction. Factors such asgross domestic product (GDP),interest rates, total employment, and consumer spending can help determine the current economic cycle stage. ...