Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Translations Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: económicorentable economic [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] A. ADJ 1. (= financial) [problems, development, geography]...
From 刘庆国 liuqingguo@hotmail Unit1DefinitionofEconomics Alleconomicquestionsandproblemsarisebecause humanwantsexceedtheresourcesavailabletosatisfy them. Scarcity Theconditionthatarisesbecausetheavailable resourcesareinsufficienttosatisfywants. Facedwithscarcity,wemustmakechoices—wemust chooseamongtheavailablealternatives...
This paper analyzes the definition of economic efficiency. The standard definition used in economic literature is the Pareto Optimum which is based in the space of individual utilities. This paper proposes new definitions based on alternative spaces. The paper also introduces a dominance criterion for...
Reliable information on these was, for the most part, not available to economists working on problems of economic instability before the 1930s. Modern economics differs from earlier work most markedly in its quantitative, empirical orientation. The development of national income accounting made this ...
Reliable information on these was, for the most part, not available to economists working on problems of economic instability before the 1930s. Modern economics differs from earlierworkmost markedly in its quantitative, empirical orientation. The development ofnational income accountingmade this possible...
Define Economic product. Economic product synonyms, Economic product pronunciation, Economic product translation, English dictionary definition of Economic product. n. Abbr. GDP The total market value of all the goods and services produced within the bor
The two countries should strive to solve global problems and lead humanity to a better place. Whether the two countries will open a new era of human development through cooperation or fall into the abyss of great-power conflict and confrontation is the question of the century. It should be th...
He also discusses the economic approach to defining public debt. The next section focuses on the issue of prospective debt(conditional liabilities) and hidden debt (implicit liabilities). The author highlights the problems related to the estimation of debt volumes, concluding that so-called h...
Balance of payments:is a record of a country‘s economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of time. It consists of current account, and capital account & financial account. Credit:money coming into the country. Debit:...
The meaning of GLOBAL is of, relating to, or involving the entire world : worldwide. How to use global in a sentence.