12. (Computer Science) computing to move (data) from one place to another on the screen by manipulating a mouse with its button held down 13. (Nautical Terms) drag anchor (of a vessel) to move away from its mooring because the anchor has failed to hold 14. drag one's feet drag one...
The meaning of ABSTRACT is disassociated from any specific instance. How to use abstract in a sentence. The Crisscrossing Histories of Abstract and Extract
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? Popular in Wordplay See All Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
drug on the market, a commodity that is overabundant or not in demand in the market. [1300–50; Middle English drogges (pl.) < Middle French drogue] drug2 (drʌg) v. Nonstandard. a pt. and pp. of drag. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictio...
Forum: Programming and Computer Science You sports people: methods for qualifying (for darts, in this case) I am organizing the darts tourney for about the fifth straight year. We play once a week. This year there are about 40 players. (10 teams of 40 players each, because eight teams...
a trowel having a notched edge for applying adhesives in setting tiles or the like. Armor.a ridge along the top of a helmet, especially of the morion. Masonry.drag ( def 34 ). the upper edge of the buttstock of a rifle or shotgun. ...
to move by pulling forcibly; drag; haul. to tow (a vessel) by means of atugboat. verb (used without object) tugged,tugging. to pull with force or effort: to tug at a stuck drawer. to strive hard; labor; toil. noun an act or instance of tugging; pull; haul. ...
Forum:Science and Math Textbooks BAny limit on how fast a Maglev can go? When using magnetism to accelerate the Maglev, and neglecting the usual frictions, and also relativistic effects, is there any limit how fast it can accelerate to? Or is there any sort of increasing "drag" of any ...
Drag/thrust analysis of jet-propelled transonic trans- port aircraft; Definition of physical drag components. Aerospace Science and Technology, 8(6):545-556, 2004.Vooren, J., Destarac, D. (2004) Drag/thrust analysis of jet-propelled transonic transport aircraft; definition of physical drag ...
The variations of the word "distractible" are derived from the mid-15th century word, distraction, which initially came from the Latin word, distractio, meaning "I drag apart." Distractibility is seen in many mental conditions, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. It can also ...