The meaning of CONTROL is to exercise restraining or directing influence over : regulate. How to use control in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Control.
Define Disease control measures. means the management of persons, animals, goods, and facilities that are infected with, suspected to be infected with, exposed to, or suspected to be exposed to an infectious agent in a manner to prevent transmission of t
It may be having more sex. In a decade-long study of over 1,000 middle-aged men, those who had the most orgasms had half the death rate of those who did not ejaculate frequently. Of course many factors contribute to longevity, but having an active sex life may be an easy, pleasurable...
(redirected fromDisease pattern) ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gy (ĕp′ĭ-dē′mē-ŏl′ə-jē, -dĕm′ē-) n. The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations. ...
c(1) : control experiment (2) : one (such as an organism, culture, or group) that is part of a control experiment and is used as a standard of comparison … the residents in the experimental group also seemed to have a lower rate of mortality when compared with controls… Ellen ...
a definite pathological process having a characteristic set of signs and symptoms. It may affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown. For specific diseases, see under the specific name, asaddison's disease. See alsoillness,...
vasomotor c'snerve centersin the medulla oblongata and the lower pons that regulate the caliber of the blood vessels and increase or decrease the heart rate and contractility. See alsovasoconstrictor c.andvasodilator c.Called alsocardiovascular control c's. ...
The cause-specific death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths due to a specified cause to the average total population. Called also mortality rate. Historic example of death rates (per 100,000) for leading causes of death for men aged 25–44 years. From Centers for Disease Control ...
Delitescent: Word of the Day Fribble: Word of the Day Epochal: Word of the Day À Gogo: Word of the Day Pandurate: Word of the Day Jibe: Word of the Day Habiliment: Word of the Day Treacly: Word of the Day Intenerate: Word of the Day ...
Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled multiplication of abnormal cells in the body. There are numerous types of cancers, with certain types being major causes of sickness and death worldwide.