Define Diamond (shape). Diamond (shape) synonyms, Diamond (shape) pronunciation, Diamond (shape) translation, English dictionary definition of Diamond (shape). rhombus ) n. pl. rhom·bus·es or rhom·bi ) An equilateral parallelogram, especially one havi
The meaning of DIAMOND is native crystalline carbon that is the hardest known mineral, that is usually nearly colorless, that when transparent and free from flaws is highly valued as a precious stone, and that is used industrially especially as an abrasi
DIAMOND meaning: 1 : a very hard usually colorless stone that is a form of carbon and is used especially in jewelry often used before another noun; 2 : a shape that is formed by four equal straight lines and that has two opposite angles that are smaller
3 a) diamonds one of the four suits (=types of cards) in a set of playing cards, which has the design of a red diamond shape on ittwo/queen etc of diamonds the ace of diamonds b) [countable] a card from this suit You have to play a diamond.4 [countable] a) the area in a ...
made of or set with a diamond or diamonds. having the shape of a diamond: a dress with a diamond print. indicating the 75th, or sometimes the 60th, event of a series, as a wedding anniversary. verb (used with object) to adorn with or as if with diamonds. ...
Enlarged gradually at the end, as the antenn[ae] of certain insects. Comb-shapedComb-shaped Comb"-shaped`, a. (Bot.) Pectinate. Diamond-shapedDiamond-shaped Di"a*mond-shaped`, a. Shaped like a diamond or rhombus. Egg-shapedEgg-shaped Egg"-shaped`, a. Resembling an egg in form; ...
DIAMOND meaning: 1 : a very hard usually colorless stone that is a form of carbon and is used especially in jewelry often used before another noun; 2 : a shape that is formed by four equal straight lines and that has two opposite angles that are smaller
b : a piece of this stone especially when cut and polished 2 : a shape that is formed by four equal straight lines and has two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles 3 a : a playing card marked with a red diamond-shaped figure b plural : the suit made up of cards...
[countable] a shape with four straight sides of equal length and with angles that are not right angles a sweater with a diamond pattern The eight vehicles assumed a diamond formation. Topics Colours and Shapesb1 diamonds [plural, uncountable] one of the four suits (= sets) in a...
1.the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist. 2.a rock or particular piece or kind of rock. 3.a piece of rock quarried and worked into a specific size and shape for a particular purpose:paving stones.