Noun1.coma- a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury comatoseness unconsciousness- a state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment diabetic coma,Kussmaul's coma- coma that can develop in inadequately treated cases of diabetes mellitus ...
Define diabetic. diabetic synonyms, diabetic pronunciation, diabetic translation, English dictionary definition of diabetic. adj. 1. Of, relating to, having, or resulting from diabetes: diabetic patients; a diabetic coma. 2. Intended for use by a person
The meaning of DIABETIC is of or relating to diabetes or diabetics. How to use diabetic in a sentence.
The meaning of DIABETIC is of or relating to diabetes or diabetics. How to use diabetic in a sentence.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Definition Signs of DKA Diagnosis and Tests of DKA Treatment of DKA Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How serious is DKA? DKA is very serious in that it can induce a coma or cause death if it is not treated immediately. Pulmonary edema and cerebral edema ...
If you have diabetes that isn’t under control, ketosis can become dangerous when ketones build up. High levels lead to dehydration and change the chemical balance of your blood. It becomes acidic and can cause a coma or death. People who have diabetes can getketoacidosis, or diabetic ketoaci...
diabetic glomerulosclerosis A type of glomerulosclerosis seen in some cases of diabetes mellitus. Eosinophilic material is present in various parts of the glomerulus. Synonym: intercapillary glomerulosclerosis See also: glomerulosclerosis Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and PartnersWant...
The diagnosis of diabetes in an asymptomatic subject should never be made on the basis of a single abnormal blood glucose value. For the asymptomatic person, at least one additional plasma/blood glucose test result with a value in the diabetic range is essential, either fasting, from a random...
diabetes. The diagnosis of diabetes in an asymptomatic subject should never be made on the basis of a single abnormal blood glucose value. For the asymptomatic person, at least one additional plasma/blood glucose test result with a value in the diabetic range is essential, either fasting, from...
If you have diabetes that isn’t under control, ketosis can become dangerous when ketones build up. High levels lead to dehydration and change the chemical balance of your blood. It becomes acidic and can cause a coma or death. People who have diabetes can getketoacidosis, or diabetic ketoaci...