Noun1.developing country- a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically body politic,country,nation,res publica,commonwealth,state,land- a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the...
The selection of the developing countries was based on the full consideration given to the economic, social, population, and health development of each country on the four continents. The social security systems in each of the four continents have their own unique characteristics, and it is of ...
‘developing’indicatesthat,asseenbymostsuchcountries,thewaytoimprovetheireconomicfortunesis todiversifytheindustrialbaseoftheeconomyby,inparticular,establishingnewmanufacturingindustriesandbyadoptingthePRICE SYSTEM. TofacilitateanincreaseinurbanpopulationnecessaryforINDUSTRIALIZATION, anationmayeitherIMPORTthenecessary...
Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly Definition (verb) cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development Synonyms:make grow Example Sentence The perfect climate here develops the grain ...
- The least developed countries (LDCs) are developing countries listed by the United Nations that exhibit the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development...- Look up development or developing in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Development or developing may refer to: Development (music), the ...
The meaning of DEVELOPMENT is the act, process, or result of developing. How to use development in a sentence.
Centrally planned economies are also generally regarded as a separate class, although China and North Korea are universally considered developing countries. A major difficulty is that prices serve less as indicators of relative scarcity in centrally planned economies and hence are less reliable as ...
Related to developing: thesaurus, Developing countriesde·vel·op·ing (dĭ-vĕl′ə-pĭng) adj. Having a relatively low level of industrial capability, technological sophistication, and economic productivity: studied the economies of developing nations. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Engli...
Developing Economy & Countries | Characteristics & Examples from Chapter 19 / Lesson 19 93K Analyze a developing economy, and find the characteristics of developing countries. Learn how to develop the economy and review an example of a developed country. Related...
Learn what a developing country is. Study characteristics and examples of developing countries, and identify debates about the definition of a...