exogenous depression,reactive depression- an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated by events in the person's life (to be distinguished from normal grief) major depressive episode- (psychiatry) a state of depression with all the classic symptoms (anhedonia and lethargy and sleep distur...
un·de·pres·siveadjective un·de·pres·sive·lyadverb un·de·pres·sive·nessnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofdepressive1 First recorded in1610–20;depress+-ive Word of the Day June 19, 2024 jubilee Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement...
depressive episode depressive lesion depressive mania depressive personality disorder depressive phase depressive psychosis depressive reaction depressomotor depressor depressor anguli oris (muscle) depressor anguli oris muscle depressor fibers depressor labii inferioris (muscle) ...
Objective: To provide the first head-to-head test of the predictive validity of 2 resolution levels included in the current consensus definition of major depressive episode (MDE) recovery and provide an empirically based, clinically useful definition of the end of an MDE.Judd, Lewis L.Schettler,...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook de·pot re·ac·tion reddening of the skin at the point where the needle entered, in the subcutaneous tuberculin test. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, ...
Diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode (DSM-IV) include a depressed mood, a marked reduction of interest or pleasure in virtually all activities, or both, lasting for at least 2 weeks. In addition, 3 or more of the following must be present: gain or loss of weight, increased ...
Based on results of a 20–23 yr-old cohort of 591 males and females studied in Switzerland, some evidence was found to support the hypothesis that an unequal sex ratio is partially due to unequal reporting of depressive symptoms and to differential forgetting, perhaps linked with the male role...
Major Depressive EpisodeA major depressive episode (colloquially known as a nervous breakdown) is a psychiatric episode marked by extreme depressive symptoms. A major depressive episode has many symptoms of major depressive disorder but is different due to the non-chronic nature and the cause of the...
Depression can have many causes. Unfavorable life events can increase a person’s vulnerability to depression or trigger a depressive episode. Negative thoughts about oneself and the world are also important in producing and maintaining depressive symptoms. However, both psychosocial and biochemical mechan...
Depressive Phase Symptoms The depressive symptoms that may be experienced in bipolar disorder are those of any major depressive episode, including significant sadness, irritability, hopelessness, and an increase or decrease in appetite, weight, or sleep. Bipolar depression can result in sufferers wanting...